Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 4, 2012

Rasouli - No Longer in PVS

The Globe & Mail reports that Hassan Rasouli is no longer in a persistent vegetative state.  This could have a material impact on the pending Supreme Court of Canada case concerning whether physicians at Sunnybrook can stop his life support over his family's objections.

Until recently, Rasouli was diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state.  But an affidavit filed with the Supreme Court says he’s now "minimally conscious."  Doctors’ reports say Rasouli can “voluntarily control” certain behaviors – suggesting he may be aware but trapped in a paralyzed body.  Rasouli is “consistently able to show a ‘thumbs up’ ” to verbal requests.  And he has consistently shown visual pursuit, one of the earliest signs of MCS.

UPDATE:  I posted a copy of the affidavit here.

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