Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 8, 2012

In re GS: Ontario CCB Permits Hospital to Stop Heroic Measures

The Ontario Consent and
Capacity Board has ruled that an Ottawa hospital can stop
"heroic measures" for GS, a 90-year-old car crash victim.  (The
Reason for Decision is here.)

The patient's daughter and substitute decision maker objected.
 But the CCB ruled that the daughter was bound by GS's advance directive.
 The board also deemed the proposed treatment plan to be in GS’s best
interests. “Nothing in evidence suggested that, in these circumstances, GS
would want to be subject to unnecessary medical interventions … All of the
evidence made plain that GS had a very poor quality of life and that the
situation would not improve. GS was subjected to daily indignities through
invasive medical procedures without increasing the likelihood that he would
recover any awareness or consciousness.”

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