Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 11, 2012

Minnesota Mini Bioethics Academy 2012

This Monday, from  6:30 to 8:30 p.m., is the first of three sessions in the University of Minnesota's "Mini Bioethics Academy 2012."  The sessions will be in the St. Paul Student Center’s Cherrywood Room, 2017 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. 

November 12

“Genes for a Better Life: Why Leave Your Happiness to Chance?”

John Song, MD, MPH, MAT, Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics; and Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School

Knowledge of the human genome and one’s own genes brings great promise to one’s life and to society. We currently use gene testing for a host of potentially beneficial reasons, such as carrier screening, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, pre-symptomatic testing for estimating the risk of developing adult-onset cancers and Alzheimer's disease, human ancestry projects, and forensic testing. Gene testing has already improved the lives of many, from the beginning of life to the end. So, what’s the fuss? By discussing clips from the movies “My Sister’s Keeper” and “Gattaca,” we’ll explore some the moral issues that arise from genetic technologies and whether learning more about our genes is a good thing for individuals and for society.

November 19

"Who Decides? The Ethics of Clinical Medicine"

Daniel Groll, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy

Carleton College; Affiliate Faculty, Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota

It is common place for patients to have the right to make decisions about their own care. But why is this so? And what can healthcare providers do when the patient is unable to make a decision, has made a decision on the basis of faulty information, or seems to be making a poor decision? Using an episode of House as our jumping off point, we'll explore these questions in the hopes of gaining some understanding of the basic principles that (ought to) guide decision-making in medicine.

November 26

"Influence of Politics and Culture on U.S. Organ Transplantation"

Maryam Valapour, MD, MPP, FCCP, Assistant Professor, Center for Bioethics; and Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School

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