Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 1, 2013

Third Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education

The Third Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education will be held from June 19 to 21, in Paris.  Registration is available here.

In April 2010, Cambridge University Press held the first Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education in New York. Leaders in the field were invited to initiate a shared dialogue addressing such questions as: 

  • Why are we doing this? 

  • What goals are we trying to achieve? 

  • Where is bioethics education taking place? 

  • How well are we doing? 

  • What next?  

Tackling those questions continued at the Second Consortium, held in Paris 2012. Delegates from 20 countries reported on bioethics from around the world and discussed proposals for general objectives of bioethics education in various academic programs. 

Expanding this work continues at the Third Consortium where the focus is on "how to" methods of teaching bioethics. Through collective information and shared experiences participants will move forward as an international community of bioethics educators. 

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