Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 5, 2013

Is there Room for Conscientious Objection in Critical Care Medicine?

Tomorrow morning from 8:15 to 10:45 a.m., at the Philadelphia Convention Center, I will be participating on an ATS panel titled "Is there Room for Conscientious Objection in Critical Care Medicine?" 

8:15 AM - Welcome and Symposium Overview

M. Lewis-Newby, MD, MPH 

8:25 AM - Reasons for and against Accommodating Conscience-Based Objections in the ICU

M. Wicclair, PhD  

8:50 AM - How the Law Applies to Conscience-Based Objections in the ICU

T.M. Pope, JD, PhD  

9:10 AM - Are Clinicians at Risk of Moral Harm in the Provision of Critical Care Medicine?

C. Rushton, PhD, RN 

9:35 AM - Special Case: When ICU Clinicians Morally Object to “Futile” Care

D.B. White, MD  

10:00 AM - ATS Recommendations for Managing Conscience-Based Objections in The Intensive Care Unit

M. Lewis-Newby, MD, MPH  

10:20 AM - Panel Discussion: Summarizing Reasons for and against Accomodating CBOs

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