Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2013

Limitations of Big, Fat Ethics Books

I love this scene from the movie adaptation of John Grisham's The Rainmaker.  The scene includes two lawyers played by Danny DeVito and Matt Damon.  The more experienced lawyer, DeVito, is giving some advice to the newly licensed Damon:  "In law school, they don't teach you what you need to know.  It's all theories and lofty notions, and big, fat ethics books."

I was reminded of this scene as I prepare to cover informed consent in my Healthcare Quality & Liability class.  I suspect that I would feel much the same way, if I were teaching traffic laws.  "Do not drive faster than 55 mph.  Come to a complete stop at a stop sign.  Nobody ever really does these things.  But it is what the law requires."      

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