Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 11, 2013

Call for Taking Brain Dead off Life Support

"Call for Taking Brain Dead off Life Support" - This provocatively titled article appeared in the Saudi Gazette.  

Fortunately, there is no need for such a "call" in the United States.  However, there is a louder and louder U.S. "call" for taking the permanently unconscious off life support.  Across the United States, many institutional and regional policies now define interventions for the permanently unconscious as "non-beneficial" treatment than may be unilaterally refused after some internal due process. 

The Saudis are concerned with the cost of taking care of over 1000 brain dead patients each year.  And they are concerned with depriving other patients in need of intensive care of beds.  Those concerns are driving U.S. healthcare providers to "call" for taking the permanently unconscious off life support irrespective of those patients' preferences to have life support.

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