Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 1, 2014

Texas, Munoz, and Mandatory Organ Donation

Cornell University law professor Sherry Colb has posted a detailed and compelling legal analysis of the ongoing Munoz v. JPS Hospital (Tarrant County) case.  

My favorite parts, which I have been meaning to write-up myself are these:

"Unless our law and society undergo a major evolution toward Good Samaritanship, it is thus plain to me that Marlise Munoz must be permitted to have her life support disconnected."

"[T]he government may not compel one person to receive unwanted medical treatment in order to promote someone else’s interests. Otherwise, the government could compel the donation of blood, bone marrow, and kidneys, to save others’ lives. Yet medical treatment virtually always requires consent."

A hearing in the case is scheduled at 3:15pm this Friday.

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