Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 5, 2014

Ethical Issues in Geriatric Care

The May 2014 issue of the AMA's Virtual Mentor is devoted to Ethical Issues in Geriatric Care.

Clinically, the long-awaited baby boom bulge—the “pig in the python”—presents little that is new to physicians; only that there are more of them and they’re living longer with the chronic conditions that killed earlier generations at younger ages. Psychosocially speaking, however, these former leaders of the “rights” movements of the ‘60s and ‘70s are actively engaged in their care, they challenge their physicians and the system, and some would rather die than decline and burden their children. Virtual Mentor’s May authors explain that medical research, education, clinical care, and health policy must all change significantly to best serve this new breed of patient.

Medicine's New Breed of Patients

Amirala Pasha

What Is the Physician’s Responsibility to a Patient’s Family Caregiver?

David Barnard and Mark J. Yaffe

Should Age Be a Basis for Rationing Health Care?

Haavi Morreim, Ryan M. Antiel, David G. Zacharias, and Daniel E. Hall

Questions about an Advance Directive

Bernard J. Hammes, Thomas D. Harter, Meera Balasubramaniam, and Yesne Alici

The Code Says:  The AMA Code of Medical Ethics’ Opinions on End-of-Life Decision Making

Statutes to Combat Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

Richard Weinmeyer

The Exclusion of Older People from Participation in Cardiovascular Trials

Jerry H. Gurwitz

Medicare and Means-Based Fees

Richard G. Stefanacci

Who’s Responsible for Granny?

Carol Levine

Baby Boomers’ Expectations of Health and Medicine

Eva Kahana and Boaz Kahana

Geriatric Medicine: History of a Young Specialty

Mary Ann Forciea

Against a Duty To Die

Nancy S. Jecker

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