Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 7, 2014

Death & Medical Treatment - New Symposium

The August 2014 issue of the American Journal of Bioethics includes a symposium of over 20 articles on the intersection of medical treatment and death.  

I was unable to contribute to this issue because of competing manuscript deadlines this spring.  But I will be participating in a similar symposium forthcoming in the Journal of Clinical Ethics 25(3) focused specifically on death determined by neurological criteria.  My piece focuses on new statutory, regulatory, and judicial developments.  Another article focuses on actual and model institutional conflict resolution.

Should We Scrap the Dead Donor Rule?

Robertson J.

The Pregnancy Exclusions: Respect for Women Requires Repeal.

Taylor K.

Pregnancy, Brain Death, and Posthumous Motherhood: A Provisional Policy Proposal.

Spike JP.

Death, Hume, Emotions, and the Essential Role of the Physician.

Oermann EK.

Constructing the Legal Concept of Death: The Counterhegemonic Option.

Epstein M.

Beyond Transplantation: Considering Brain Death as a Hard Clinical Endpoint.

Clarke MJ, Remtema MS, Swetz KM.

Defining Death Without Science? A Pragmatic Rebuttal.

Racine E.

Brain Dead Patients Are Still Whole Organisms.

Sadovnikoff N, Wikler D.

Sketching the Alternative to Brain Death: Dying Through Organ Donation.

Jox RJ.

A Legal Fiction with Real Consequences.

Johnson LS.

The Social Construction of Death, Biological Plausibility, and the Brain Death Criterion.

Gervais KG.

Structuring Conversations on the Fact and Fiction of Brain Death.

Rich BA.

Toward a Science of Brain Death.

Peterson A, Norton L, Naci L, Owen AM, Weijer C.

Death as a Legal Fiction.

Marquis D.

Irreversible Shmirreversible.

DiSilvestro R.

Beyond the Essence of Death.

Leier B.

The Paradox of the Dead Donor Rule: Increasing Death on the Waiting List.

Sade RM, Boan A.

A Functionalist View of Brain Death.

LiPuma S, DeMarco JP.

Brain-Dead and Pregnant in Texas.

Mayo TW.

Changing the Conversation About Brain Death.

Truog RD, Miller FG.

Whither Brain Death?

Bernat JL.

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