Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 9, 2014

AARP Oddly Excludes Right to Die Groups

AARP is hosting a major convention this weekend in San Diego.  But AARP is excluding participation of right to die groups.  

The organization rejected the request of the Final Exit Network have a booth at the AARP Expo in San Diego. They have also rejected FEN's requests to place ads in AARP publications.  This seems odd given the obvious relevance of such options and counseling to AARP members.

Excluded from formal participation, Final Exit Network will be demonstrating outside the Expo, to provide information on end of life issues to AARP members. Demonstrators will also be urging AARP members to request a change in their organization's policies, to permit frank discussions of death and the urgent need for advance planning and the right of self determination.

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