Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 10, 2014

American Public Ready to Abandon the Dead Donor Rule

This just published study by researchers at Florida State University indicates, surprisingly, that the American public is "largely in support of organ removal even though it cases death."

The researchers conducted a cross-sectional internet survey of the American public (n=1096). Questionnaire domains included opinions about a hypothetical scenario of organ removal described as causing the death of a patient in irreversible coma, and items measuring willingness to donate organs after death. 

  • 71% of the sample agreed that it should be legal for patients to donate organs in the scenario described.

  • 67% agreed that they would want to donate organs in a similar situation. 

  • Of the 85% of the sample who agreed that they were willing to donate organs after death, 76% agreed that they would donate in the scenario of irreversible coma with organ removal causing death. 

The researchers conclude "there appears to be public support for organ donation in a scenario explicitly described as violating the dead donor rule."

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