Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 1, 2015

My Life, My Death, My Choice - Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill

The My Life, My Death, My Choice campaign has published a new video to provide the facts about the proposed Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill currently being considered by the Scottish Parliament.

The video tackles some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings about the draft legislation.  Importantly, it is limited to those with terminal or life shortening condition.  Only those who choose to opt-in will be eligible.  And safeguards will protect vulnerable groups.

The video also clearly demonstrates the breadth of support in Scottish society, with politicians, religious figures, legal figures, secular groups and members of the public all voicing their support for the Bill.

The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill is currently being considered by the Health & Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament.  Oral evidence sessions are expected to take place in January / February 2015.

The summary of evidence submitted to the Committee indicated “Overall, 73% of respondents expressed support for the Bill…”  The full report can is available here.  According to a poll conducted in January 2014, 69% of the Scottish electorate supported the Bill. 

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