Medical Futility Blog
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Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 8, 2015
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
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Sylvia Sodden - Jewish v. Catholic Family Litigate Life Support in NY
Sylvia Sodden, 78, was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn but converted to Roman Catholicism when she was just 20 years old. I...
Tylenol Can Facilitate Advance Care Planning
Significant amounts of over-treatment in the United States are due to a persistent widespread failure to do advance care planning. Most peo...
Moments of Life: Made Possible by Hospice
In celebrating the 40th anniversary of hospice care in the United States, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is excited ...
Reading Hospital Resolves Futility Dispute by Replacing Guardian
In March 2012, Russell Border was admitted to the ICU at Reading Hospital and Medical Center . As a patient in the ICU, doctors placed Mr. B...
Canadian Medical Association Forums on End-of-Life Care
This Wednesday, the Canadian Medical Association will host its 4th town-hall form on end-of-life care. This broad stakeholder involvement ...
Medical Decision Making for Unbefriended / Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates
Last month, I published a New England Journal of Medicine Perspectives article on "Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Sur...
Prince Friso - British versus Dutch Law on When It Is Time to Stop Life Support?
Prince Friso (of the Dutch Royal Family) has been in a coma for six months after he was caught in an avalanche while skiing in the Austrian...
Hospital Promises to "Cheat Death"
On Friday, North Carolina's CaroMont Health unveiled a new campaign "T o Give Every Man, Woman and Child In Gaston County Every Op...
POLST Authorizes Unilateral DNAR Orders
In both Maryland and Vermont , a clinician can write a POLST order indicating "no CPR" even without patient or surrogate consent...
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
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tháng 8
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
Revisiting CPR Survival Rates Depicted on Popular ...
Neysi Perez Buried Alive, Wakes Screaming Inside C...
Kevorkian "Coma" [EOL in Art 111]
New Futility Case: Siner v. Kindred Hospital India...
Kevorkian "Very Still Life" [EOL in Art 110]
Supreme Court of Nevada Asked to Determine Brain D...
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice at Hamline
The Changing Definition of What Is ‘Brain Dead’
Medicine Holding Back Death [EOL in Art 109]
Is ICU Treatment Inappropriate? Clinicians Now Hav...
Child's Garden for the ICU [EOL in Art 108]
Original Art in the ICU Waiting Room [EOL in Art ...
Original Art in the ICU [EOL in Art 106]
Canadian Medical Protective Association - End-of-L...
View from the Head End [EOL in Art 105]
Do Not Leave Definition of Death Just to Doctors
Prescription for Medical Students: A Day at the Ar...
Futility Dispute - Mary Jane Pierce v. B.C. Women'...
600 Days of Death - Jahi McMath
Stop Futile Treatment - Be Surgeons, Not Sissies
Music Thanatology [EOL in Art 103]
Man Experiencing First Real Moment of Peace in Yea...
Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away [EOL in Art ...
LaVecchia Brain Death Dispute Continues in NJ
Girlfriend in a Coma [EOL in Art 101]
Minnesota Case Illustrates Importance of POLST
More Brain Death Disputes - Michael Lavecchia III
Don't Fear the Reaper [EOL in Art 100]
Aden Hailu - Another Brain Death Lawsuit
Health Care Reform in Minnesota: Mission Advanced ...
The Knife and Gun Club: Scenes from an Emergency R...
Lessons from the Death of Charles II [EOL in Art 98]
Comforting the Dying [EOL in Art 97]
POLST Designers Must Consult Medical Ethicists
Ethics Consultation Responding to Ethics Questions...
Humanities in Medicine Symposium [EOL in Art 96]
Illusory Benefits of Aggressive Treatment [EOL in...
Saying No: Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Ref...
Death with Dignity in Washington State - 6th Annua...
Sh-h-h - Beth is Dying [EOL in Art 94]
Nevada Supreme Court Orders Physiological Support ...
New Mexico Appeals Court Reverses Ruling that Lega...
Nominate this Blog for the ABA Blawg 100
Court Declares VSED Illegal
Cheating Death - Chess Match in Seventh Seal [EOL...
Aid in Dying Political Cartoon [EOL in Art 92]
Downside of Life-Prolonging Technology
Advance Directive on Etch a Sketch [EOL in Art 91]
Denying Ourselves the Right to Make Rational Choic...
Dying Prohibited [EOL in Art 90]
ASBH Annual Meeting - Lots of EOL Sessions
"Dicing with Dr Death" - Philip Nitschke at the Ed...
Museum of Death [EOL in Art 89]
Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program
Weeping Skeleton [EOL in Art 88]
Overtreatment - Even when Medical Futility Is Clear
One Hundred Live and Die [EOL in Art 87]
Evidence-Based Approach to the Care of Dying Peopl...
Nominate this Blog for the ABA Blawg 100
Banging the Skull [EOL in Art 86]
Medicare Care Choices Model - Hospice without Forg...
Overtreatment [EOL in Art 85]
Report on Incorrect DNR Order from Veterans Affair...
Preparing for the End of Your Life (Minneapolis)
People with AIDS [EOL in Art 84]
Legislation to Forbid Medicare Coverage of Advance...
Coerced Consent to Stop Life Sustaining Treatment
Last Day in Hospice [EOL in Art 83]
Grace Before Dying - Photographs of the Hospice Pr...
Decision Making for Unknown & Vulnerable Patients:...
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Được tạo bởi
disproportionate treatment
medical futility
nonbeneficial treatment
Blog Archive
tháng 8
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
Revisiting CPR Survival Rates Depicted on Popular ...
Neysi Perez Buried Alive, Wakes Screaming Inside C...
Kevorkian "Coma" [EOL in Art 111]
New Futility Case: Siner v. Kindred Hospital India...
Kevorkian "Very Still Life" [EOL in Art 110]
Supreme Court of Nevada Asked to Determine Brain D...
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice at Hamline
The Changing Definition of What Is ‘Brain Dead’
Medicine Holding Back Death [EOL in Art 109]
Is ICU Treatment Inappropriate? Clinicians Now Hav...
Child's Garden for the ICU [EOL in Art 108]
Original Art in the ICU Waiting Room [EOL in Art ...
Original Art in the ICU [EOL in Art 106]
Canadian Medical Protective Association - End-of-L...
View from the Head End [EOL in Art 105]
Do Not Leave Definition of Death Just to Doctors
Prescription for Medical Students: A Day at the Ar...
Futility Dispute - Mary Jane Pierce v. B.C. Women'...
600 Days of Death - Jahi McMath
Stop Futile Treatment - Be Surgeons, Not Sissies
Music Thanatology [EOL in Art 103]
Man Experiencing First Real Moment of Peace in Yea...
Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away [EOL in Art ...
LaVecchia Brain Death Dispute Continues in NJ
Girlfriend in a Coma [EOL in Art 101]
Minnesota Case Illustrates Importance of POLST
More Brain Death Disputes - Michael Lavecchia III
Don't Fear the Reaper [EOL in Art 100]
Aden Hailu - Another Brain Death Lawsuit
Health Care Reform in Minnesota: Mission Advanced ...
The Knife and Gun Club: Scenes from an Emergency R...
Lessons from the Death of Charles II [EOL in Art 98]
Comforting the Dying [EOL in Art 97]
POLST Designers Must Consult Medical Ethicists
Ethics Consultation Responding to Ethics Questions...
Humanities in Medicine Symposium [EOL in Art 96]
Illusory Benefits of Aggressive Treatment [EOL in...
Saying No: Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Ref...
Death with Dignity in Washington State - 6th Annua...
Sh-h-h - Beth is Dying [EOL in Art 94]
Nevada Supreme Court Orders Physiological Support ...
New Mexico Appeals Court Reverses Ruling that Lega...
Nominate this Blog for the ABA Blawg 100
Court Declares VSED Illegal
Cheating Death - Chess Match in Seventh Seal [EOL...
Aid in Dying Political Cartoon [EOL in Art 92]
Downside of Life-Prolonging Technology
Advance Directive on Etch a Sketch [EOL in Art 91]
Denying Ourselves the Right to Make Rational Choic...
Dying Prohibited [EOL in Art 90]
ASBH Annual Meeting - Lots of EOL Sessions
"Dicing with Dr Death" - Philip Nitschke at the Ed...
Museum of Death [EOL in Art 89]
Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program
Weeping Skeleton [EOL in Art 88]
Overtreatment - Even when Medical Futility Is Clear
One Hundred Live and Die [EOL in Art 87]
Evidence-Based Approach to the Care of Dying Peopl...
Nominate this Blog for the ABA Blawg 100
Banging the Skull [EOL in Art 86]
Medicare Care Choices Model - Hospice without Forg...
Overtreatment [EOL in Art 85]
Report on Incorrect DNR Order from Veterans Affair...
Preparing for the End of Your Life (Minneapolis)
People with AIDS [EOL in Art 84]
Legislation to Forbid Medicare Coverage of Advance...
Coerced Consent to Stop Life Sustaining Treatment
Last Day in Hospice [EOL in Art 83]
Grace Before Dying - Photographs of the Hospice Pr...
Decision Making for Unknown & Vulnerable Patients:...
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