Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 6, 2012

35th Annual Health Law Professors Conference

I am heading, this morning, to hot, hot Tempe, Arizona to attend and speak at the 35th Annual Health Law Professors Conference.  This is probably the largest U.S. gathering of academic lawyers teaching and researching health law and bioethics.  

Last year, I also attended the Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) conference.  AABHL is Australia and New Zealand’s leading organisation concerned with issues of bioethics and health law. In contrast to ASLME, AABHL is a little more diverse.  Its members come not only from law but also from nursing, ethics, philosophy, healthcare administration, allied health and complementary healthcare.  I am pleased to see that ASLME is similarly including, this year, presenters and attendees from other disciplines.  The agenda is here.  

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