Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2012

New Case: Zody Cervantes v. Rady Children's Hospital

San Diego has long been a center for innovation in the resolution
of medical futility disputes.  While not all hospitals in the area have signed
onto proposed community-wide guidelines, several did.  One manifestation
of the enforcement of that policy is now playing out at Rady Children's Hospital.

Zody Cervantes has serious widespread brain damage probably due to meningitis.  Physicians told Zody's mom:  "We're 99 percent sure he's never going to have any
quality of life."  Physicians told her that they do not want to
prolong his suffering and plan to remove him from the ventilator on July 6.

Zody's mom says she is planning to fight the hospital's decision,
becaue she has seen signs of improvement.  She is also contacting other children's hospitals across the state to see if
Zody can be transferred before July 6.  (
Channel 10 San Diego)

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