Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2012

New York State Bar Promoting Advance Directives

A series of New York State Bar Association radio announcements on on the importance of designating a health care agent hit airwaves across upstate New York this week.  

State Bar Association President Seymour W. James, Jr. (The Legal Aid Society in New York City) narrates the spots that inform the public about the free, valuable information available on the Association's website.  Each topic is recorded in 30-second (MP3) and 60-second versions (MP3). The radio spots will air from September 3 through 30.

Here is the script for one the radio announcements:

I'm Seymour James, President of the New York State Bar Association.  We can't reverse the aging process or predict unexpected injuries or illness. But we can prepare for these possibilities by planning for the future. In New York State, you can name a person you trust to make medical decisions for you if you become ill or injured and are unab le to communicate your wishes, by appointing a health care agent. It's unpleasant to think ab out the possibility of a serious illness or injury, and can be hard to have these conversations. But designating a health care proxy can give you peace of mind. It can assure that your wishes will be respected, and that your loved ones will not face the stress of determining who should make medical decisions on your behalf.  The health care proxy form is easy to complete and you can find it, free of charge, on our web site,  That's  Brought to you b y the New York State Bar Association, in cooperation with the New York State Broadcasters Association.

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