Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2013

2013 Health Law Scholars Workshop - CFP

The Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (ASLME) have announced the 2013 Health Law Scholars Workshop.  If you are a junior law professor in health law, you really should do this. 

The Health Law Scholars Workshop is a collegial forum in which junior faculty who are new to health law and bioethics scholarship present works-in-progress and receive in-depth advice from experienced scholars and teachers in the field of health law and bioethics.  The workshop encourages health and bioethics scholarship, fosters the professional development of emerging scholars and furthers the sense of community among health law academics. Past scholars have placed their papers for publication in preeminent law journals.

Scholars workshop their work-in-progress before a group of experienced peer reviewers and commentators. Each author’s work-in-progress accepted for the Health Law Scholars 

Workshop will be read in advance by several faculty members in relevant fields. D uring the workshop weekend, each author presents his or her paper to the full group. After extensive oral 

feedback from the readers, the floor is opened for a sustained exchange between the presenter and full group. The workshop draws health law and bioethics scholars from across the country, inviting senior faculty from a variety of law schools and disciplines to review the works-in-progress and participate in the weekend.

APRIL 1 Submission of Abstracts for Consideration

MAY 17 Notification of Selection of Workshop Scholars

SEPT. 3 Works-in-Progress Due

OCT. 10-12  Scholars Weekend

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