Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2013

Advanced Life Extending Technologies in DC, MD, VA

The MedStar Washington Hospital Center is hosting the Annual DC, MD, VA (DMV) Regional Hospital Clinical Ethics Conference on March 29, 2013:  "Advanced Life Extending Technologies in the District, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) Region."


This CME accredited one-day conference on clinical ethics is focused on hospital clinicians and other professionals throughout the DC, MD, and VA (DMV) metropolitan region. Most hospitals have ethics committees made up of physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, clinical ethicists and other clinicians and administrators who address the clinical ethics needs of their own institution. This one day annual meeting brings together members of these hospital ethics committees and other health professionals to 1) establish a regional network of hospital professionals dedicated to elevating the quality of clinical care within each institution, 2) to work together to develop solutions to common ethical problems and 3) to determine whether such a network will improve the ethical quality of healthcare. show less


  • Design a self-education program for their hospital’s ethics committee to assure that all members are able to identify the values uncertainty or conflict issues as well as barriers to improving EOL care in their own hospital.

  • Evaluate the current EOL education programs at each institution and design an evidence-based educational intervention to address the EOL clinical ethics education needs of its own clinicians.

  • The ability to help physicians and patients recognize the need for upstream EOL discussions and for ethics committee members to be able to lead and/or participate in such discussion with patients, families, and the medical team.

  • Evaluate the hospital’s policies that have explicit EOL ethics implications and either create or revise the policies to improve EOL practices.

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