Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 7, 2013

ASBH Law Affinity Group Meeting

The ASBH Law Affinity Group will gather at the ASBH Annual Meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Friday, October 25, 2013.  Based on the results of a survey distributed to the membership, the agenda for this gathering consists of the following two items.  

(1)  We will use the first 45 minutes to facilitate networking.  It has proven valuable at past meetings for participants to meet (in at least a “speed dating” format) forty or more other lawyers working on bioethics in a wide range of capacities and positions.  

(2)  At 12:15 p.m., we will transition to the following substantive session by Sally Bean, J.D., M.A., Ethicist & Policy Advisor, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Joint Centre for Bioethics. 

The Supreme Court of Canada heard Brian Cuthbertson, et al. v. Hassan Rasouli on December 10, 2012.  A ruling is expected sometime in the summer or fall of 2013.  The Rasouli end-of-life case addresses whether a patient’s or surrogate’s consent is required to withdraw life-sustaining treatment, if the physician determines that the particular treatment (i.e. mechanical ventilation) no longer provides medical benefit.  

Sally Bean is one of the Ethicists at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario, the hospital where the Rasouli case arose.  In her 20-minute presentation, she will provide an overview of the legal pathway of the case.  And Ms. Bean will address the impact of the Supreme Court of Canada decision on Sunnybrook, on Canada, and even on the United States.  The final ten minutes of the session will be reserved for open Q&A.

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