Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 8, 2013

S. 1439 - The Care Planning Act of 2013

Yesterday, Senators Warner and  Isakson introduced S. 1439, The Care Planning Act of 2013.  It is similar to, but goes beyond, Rep. Blumenauer's H.R. 1173.

  • Establishes Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for healthcare professionals to provide a voluntary and structured discussion about the goals and treatment options for individuals with serious illness, resulting in a documented care plan that reflects the informed choices made by patients in consultation with members of their health care team, faith leaders, family members and friends.

  • Tests new models for more intensive services for those with advanced illness, and provides funding to support the development of a public information campaign to encourage effective care planning. It also provides grants to develop materials and maintain a web site with information about advanced care planning, portable treatment orders, palliative care, hospice, and planning services, and directs the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) to include information about advanced care planning in the official Medicare & You handbook.

  • Puts structures in place to focus providers on evidence of patient preferences, such as directives from other states or past discussions about treatment goals, and requires documentation of plans made prior to discharge from health facilities to assure that care plans travel with patients after discharge.

  • Directs the HHS to develop quality metrics that will measure synchronicity among the individual’s stated goals, values, and preferences with documented care plans, the treatment that is delivered, and the outcome of treatment.

  • Creates a Senior Navigation Advisory Board, comprised of a diverse range of individuals including faith leaders, health care professionals and patient advocates, which will monitor and advise HHS throughout implementation of the Act.

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