Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 8, 2013

Vermont’s New Normal: End-of-Life Care & Physician Aid in Dying

On October 29, 2013, the Vermont Ethics Network is holding a day-long discussion about end-of-life care in Vermont with the passage of Act  39 (Vermont’s new law on patient choice and control at the end-of-life).  The day’s presentations will focus on:

  • Understanding Vermont’s law: An Overview of Act 39. 

  • Ethical issues surrounding aid in dying and the impact on patients, providers and organizations.

  • Implementation issues and lesson learned from Oregon’s experience. -- Oregon physician, Peter Reagan, MD.

  • Conversations with patients — fostering a dialog about end-of-life care and the available options.

  • Clarifying complex medical decision-making concepts related to end-of-life; including futility, voluntary stopping of eating and drinking and foregoing life-sustaining treatments. 

  • Legal & Reimbursement Considerations with Act 39 -- Linda Cohen, JD (Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew)

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Aid in Dying -- Judy Epstein, MD (Medial Director Compassion & Choices, Denver, CO)

  • Futility, VSED, Foregoing Life-Sustaining Treatment & other complex medical decisions -- Robert Macauley, MD (Clinical Ethicist; Fletcher Allen Health Care)

  • Conversations with Patients about the End-of-Life and Aid in Dying -- Diana Barnard, MD (Palliative Care Specialist, Fletcher Allen Health Care)

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