Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 6, 2014

Student Bioethics Prizes

Two student prizes are offered through the Australasian Assiciation of Bioethics & Health Law Conferences

  • The John McPhee prize in health, law and ethics: a topic related to health, law and ethics

  • The Max Charlesworth prize in bioethics: ethical issues arising in relation to medicine, the health sciences or health care in general from any of the disciplines that offer a perspective on such issues, including philosophy, bioethics, law, social theory, sociology, anthropology, psychology, feminism, linguistics, cultural studies, history, literary theory and literature


  • Not to exceed 5000 words

  • Essay should conform to the requirements for submission to the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry and submitted as a word document attachment 

Date of submission

  • Friday 27 June 2014 (by COB)


  • The winner[s] will be invited to present their paper at this year's conference. 

  • Complimentary registration fees at the conference

  • Assistance to travel to the conference may also be provided

  • One year’s subscription to AABHL membership

  • The winner[s] should submit the winning essay to the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. Mention should be made in the cover letter that the paper has been awarded the prize.

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