Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 6, 2014

Texas Right to Life Sues Senator Bob Deuell over Medical Futility Bill

Do NOT mess with Texas Right to Life.   

In the run-up to this year's Republican primary runoff, Texas Right to Life produced radio ads that were critical of Senator Bob Deuell's sponsorship of SB-303.  One of the ads is available here.

SB-303 was a bill that would have improved the procedural fairness of the Texas Advance Directives Act. The radio ads, characterizing Deuell's bill as "an expansion of euthanasia,"were apparently successful.  Deuell lost the May 27 primary runoff.

Nevertheless, Texas Right to Life has filed a lawsuit in Harris County Court, claiming that Senator Deuell illegally interfered with the ads.  Deuell had hired legal counsel to contact at least two of the radio stations with which Texas Right to Life had contracted and demanded the immediate cessation of the broadcasting.  Both Cumulus Media and Salem Communications halted the radio ad.

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