Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 11, 2014

Consumer Reports - Comprehensive Guide to End-Of-Life Choices

A good death can be hard to achieve without advance planning according to a new End-of-Life Guide from Consumer Reports.

The report and accompanying 17-minute video documentary chronicles the last months of Paul Scheier, an 87-year-old retired dentist who succumbed to lung cancer – doing so under the conditions that he outlined in advance.  Consumer Reports highlights the choices Mr. Scheier and his family made to ensure that his wishes were carried out.

The report also includes results from a recent Consumer Reports survey of 2,015 adults which found that 86% of Americans would want to spend their final days at home and receive end-of-life care there.  Only 36% said they’d want to receive that same care in a hospital setting.  

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