Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 11, 2014

UK Hospital Places DNR Order without Consent or Consultation

Leon Scoble and his sister Danni say that Basildon University Hospital put a “do not resuscitate” order on their father Paul Scoble without consulting them. (Echo)

On a Facebook page the family states:

"The doctors have twice put a Do Not Resuscitate on our Dad, we managed to get it lifted the first time but doctors refuse to lift it now their reason for this is due to a faulty heart valve." 

"He needs an operation on his heart to fix two faulty valves but the hospital have refused due to his size. We have heard about TAVI Mitral valve surgery by Dr Vinayak Bapat at St Thomas' Hospital in London and men much bigger than Dad have survived this operation."

"All we ask is that our Dad is given a chance at life, if he doesn't get this operation he will die. His situation has become pretty desperate over the last couple of weeks, he has been having panic attacks brought on by hearing doctors discussing switching off the machine. As you can imagine, he's terrified and so are we."

"The doctors have met and decided he is to receive no more treatment, even though the drugs being given are damaging to the kidneys, should a problem arise they have already stated that they will take no action."

"They tell us we cannot move our father to another hospital, as he is from Harlow."

"We want our Dad moved to a hospital that has the capability and desire to save his life (preferably St Thomas') He's a 48 year old father of two, who hasn't yet walked his only daughter down the aisle or held a first grandchild. He isn't a statistic, he's our world, so much more than just a father and we refuse to give up on him because he's never given up on us."

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