Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 12, 2014

Health Law Events at January 2015 AALS Annual Meeting

   Health Law Events at
January 2015 AALS Annual Meeting

Friday, JAN. 2

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Lebanese Taverna

2641 Connecticut NW

Health Law
Professors Reception

Drinks & heavy
hors d'oeuvres

Saturday, JAN. 3

10:30 am - 12:15 pm

Marriott Park

Maryland Suite A
Lobby Level

Competition Policy
in Health Care

Section on Antitrust
& Economic Regulation

Co-sponsored by
Section on Law, Medicine & Health Care

Competition in
health care is a fundamental issue to a better functioning health care system
that benefits consumers. The panel will discuss some of the most exciting issues
in the interface between the two areas: competition between for profits and
not for profits, hospital mergers, anti-competitive state licensing and other
forms of state action, reverse payments in pharmaceuticals, integration
through ACOs or merger, and contractual relations between payers and


Thomas L. Greaney, Saint Louis University School of Law

Rebecca Haw, Vanderbilt University Law School

Kristin M. Madison, Northeastern University School of Law

Ann Marie Marciarille, University of Missouri-Kansas City
School of Law

Hillary Greene, University of Connecticut School of Law

Saturday, JAN. 3

12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Omni Shoreham Hotel

Diplomat Ballroom
Lobby Level

Lunch Debate:
Resolved, that the Affordable Care Act

Does Not Authorize
Subsidies for Individuals Purchasing

Health Insurance
Through Federal Exchanges


Jonathan Adler, Case Western
University School of Law

Nicholas Bagley, University of
Michigan School of Law

Saturday, JAN. 3

1:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Marriott Park

Wilson C

Mezzanine Level

An Examination of
Patient Dumping by Hospitals after Thirty Years of EMTALA

Section on Law &
Mental Disability

Co-sponsored by
Section on Law, Medicine & Health Care

The Emergency
Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986 (EMTALA) was designed to
ensure equal access to emergency treatment by hospitals and to stop the
practice of “patient dumping.” Patient dumping occurs when patients needing
emergency care – typically uninsured, disabled, and minority individuals –
are transferred, prematurely discharged, or are denied treatment altogether.
Thirty years after EMTALA was passed, patient dumping is still occurring. And
healthcare delivery has changed dramatically, with stunning advances in
medical science and the advent of major, national movements toward evidence-based
medicine care and systems-based quality improvement.

Have these sweeping changes
left EMTALA behind, so out of touch with current practice that it is now
harming, rather than helping, equal access to emergency care? What impact
will the Affordable Care Act have on EMTALA? What impact is EMTALA having on
the push for community-based services, the growing use of telemedicine,
medical repatriation and the number of the mentally disabled in prisons? This
panel will address these questions and others while analyzing a forthcoming
report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on EMTALA. The panel will also
share teaching materials on covering EMTALA in doctrinal courses.


Martin R. Castro, Chair, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,
Washington, D.C.

Richard L. Elliott, Ph.D., Professor and Director of
Professionalism and Medical Ethics,

Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, GA

Katharine A. Van Tassel, University of Akron, C. Blake
McDowell Law Center

Hernan Vera, President and Chief Executive Officer, Public
Counsel, Los Angeles, CA

Barry Kozak, The John Marshall Law School (moderator)

Saturday, JAN. 3

3:30 pm - 5:15 pm

Marriott Park

Washington 5

Exhibition Level

Elderly: Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Patients without Surrogates

Section on Law,
Medicine & Health Care

Joint Program with
Section on Aging & Law

You are an
orthopedic surgeon. Tomorrow morning, you are scheduled to fix an elderly woman’s
broken hip. But the woman is demented, and no family can be located. Do you
proceed? Or do you seek a court-appointed guardian to give you the “go
ahead”? Delaying surgery increases the risks of complications.  But proceeding means acting without authorization
or informed consent.  Would your
answers change if the woman has a caring nephew who is not recognized as a
valid surrogate under your state's health care decision making statute?

clinicians and facilities across the United States have responded to these
questions in inconsistent and ad hoc ways. 
This is troubling, because the “unbefriended” or “unrepresented” are
some of the most powerless and marginalized members of society.  They comprise 3-4% of the 1.3 million
people living in nursing homes and 5% of the 500,000 per year who die in

These expert
panelists will describe the scope and nature of the problem as well as its
causal factors.  They will also outline
both currently implemented and proposed solutions.


Ellen Fox, MD - President and CEO at Integrated Ethics
Consulting LLC; formerly Chief Officer, Ethics in Health Care, Department of
Veterans Affairs

Sharona Hoffman, JD, LLM - Case Western Reserve University
School of Law

Rebecca C. Morgan, JD - Stetson University College of Law

David Orentlicher, MD, JD - Indiana University Robert H.
McKinney School of Law

Erica F. Wood, JD - Assistant Director, ABA Commission on Law
and Aging

There will be a section
business meeting at the end of this session.

Saturday, JAN. 3

5:15 pm - 6:30 pm

Park Wardman



Health Law Works in
Progress for New Law Teachers

Section on Law,
Medicine & Health Care

Four junior health
law scholars were invited through a competitive selection process.  Their papers have already been
distributed.  At the meeting, each will
briefly present her/his papers in a separate and concurrent roundtable
setting (though two will share a single roundtable).  Then, senior scholars will provide oral
comments and critiques.  Some will also
provide written feedback on the manuscript. 
The author of each paper will be given an opportunity to respond and
ask questions of his or her own.  The
goal of the workshop is to improve the work before publication.  This new program also presents an
opportunity for the audience to hear cutting edge health law scholarship by
recent members of the academy.


Zack Buck, JD - Mercer University Walter F. George School of
Law:  “State Anti-Fraud Statutes, Off-Label Marketing, and the
Solvable Challenge of Causation”

Christine S. Ho, JD, MPP - Rutgers School of Law –
Newark:  “The Exception that Undermines the Rule: An Examination of the
Nameless Threat of Underinclusion in Health Law"

David Kwok, JD, MPP, PhD - University of Houston Law
Center:  “Fair Competition and False Claims in Off-Label Marketing”

Katherine T. Vukadin, JD - Texas Southern University Thurgood
Marshall School of Law:  “Obamacare Interrupted: Obstructive Federalism
and the Consumer Information Blockade”


Jennifer Bard

Gregg Bloche

Robert A. Bohrer

Kathleen Boozang *

Leslie Francis

Abbe Gluck

Mark Hall

Nan Hunter

Joan Krause *

Kristin Madison

Gwen Majette

David Orentlicher *

Frank Pasquale

Thaddeus Pope

Ani Satz

Sidney Watson *

Sunday, JAN. 4

4:00 pm - 5:45 pm

Park Wardman

Maryland Suite C

Lobby Level

Tort Law and a
Healthier Society

(Section on Torts
& Compensation Systems)

The section will
present a program on leading issues at the intersection of tort and health law.
Professor Mello will discuss medical malpractice alternatives for hospitals.
Professor Reiss will discuss liability issues related to vaccine-preventable
diseases. Professor Winters will discuss food safety impact litigation. The
section will also honor the winner of its annual William L. Prosser Award for
outstanding contribution in scholarship, teaching, and service related to
tort law.


Michelle Mello, Stanford Law School

Dorit Reiss, University of California, Hastings College of the

Diana Winters, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of

Andrew R. Klein, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School
of Law (moderator)

Monday, JAN. 5

10:30 am - 12:15 pm

Park Wardman

Virginia Suite A

Lobby Level

Ebola and the Law

(Section on Biolaw)

The 2014 West
African outbreak of the Ebola virus is the most severe epidemic attributed to
this pathogen since 1976, when international health officials began keeping
records on Ebola. As of August 2014, the total number of suspected cases has
approached 2,000 and the number of suspected deaths has exceeded 1,000. The
World Health Organization has

designated the
health crisis as one of international concern. The law has a strong stake in containing
this outbreak and preventing future episodes of this kind.  The section invited papers addressing
issues of law and policy arising from the Ebola outbreak. Issues may include
(but by no means were limited to) the following:

Why was the international legal and public health community so
slow to recognize the 2014 Ebola outbreak? Human beings are supremely attuned
to threats posed by other humans (such as war or terrorism), but far less
prepared for threats deemed “natural” or “environmental.” How should law
accommodate and/or offset this biological predisposition?

There is no vaccine or cure for Ebola. Medicines for treating
Ebola, carrying some hope of reducing the mortality rate, are in extremely
short supply. What are the bioethical implications raised by the decision to
devote the extremely limited supplies of Ebola medication — no more than a
handful of doses as of August 2014 — to medical workers of non-African
origin? How should the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and its foreign
counterparts handle petitions to expedite the experimental use of Ebola



Robert A. Bohrer, California Western School of Law

Lan Cao, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law

Carl H. Coleman, Seton Hall University School of Law

Victoria Sutton, Texas Tech University School of Law

James Ming Chen, Michigan State University College of Law

Andrew W. Torrance, University of Kansas School of Law

Katharine A. Van Tassel, University of Akron, C. Blake
McDowell Law Center (commentator)

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