Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 4, 2014

7th Annual National Healthcare Decisions Day

IT’S HERE!  Today is the 7th Annual National Healthcare Decisions Day! 

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES:  Even if you have your own resources, please also direct patients, residents, clients, and the public to the resources at:  There are free resources that people can care with loved ones throughout the country.

FREE WEBINAR TODAY: at 3:00pm eastern, please join me, Ellen Goodman and others for an NHDD webinar.  Register at:

LEAD BY EXAMPLE: As always, please encourage others by your example.  Here’s a simple message you can send/post to your family and friends tomorrow:

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day.  I have had a talk about advance care planning with my loved ones.  Have you?  Free information, forms, tools, and an incredible video are at:  Do it today.

SPREAD THE WORD FURTHER: Please share NHDD information with your members/contacts/colleagues by forwarding this email or a link to or NHDD on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn 

JOIN US:  If you are receiving this email second-hand (or have not previously confirmed participation), please let us know who you are by completing the short participant confirmation here:

DON’T FORGET THE REST OF THE YEAR:  NHDD is our rallying day, but advance care planning is important throughout the year.  Continue to use the NHDD resources and always be on the lookout for activities to make NHDD even better.   

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