Medical Futility Blog
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Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 4, 2014
National Healthcare Decisions Day - Minnesota
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Sylvia Sodden - Jewish v. Catholic Family Litigate Life Support in NY
Sylvia Sodden, 78, was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn but converted to Roman Catholicism when she was just 20 years old. I...
Tylenol Can Facilitate Advance Care Planning
Significant amounts of over-treatment in the United States are due to a persistent widespread failure to do advance care planning. Most peo...
Moments of Life: Made Possible by Hospice
In celebrating the 40th anniversary of hospice care in the United States, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is excited ...
Reading Hospital Resolves Futility Dispute by Replacing Guardian
In March 2012, Russell Border was admitted to the ICU at Reading Hospital and Medical Center . As a patient in the ICU, doctors placed Mr. B...
Canadian Medical Association Forums on End-of-Life Care
This Wednesday, the Canadian Medical Association will host its 4th town-hall form on end-of-life care. This broad stakeholder involvement ...
Medical Decision Making for Unbefriended / Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates
Last month, I published a New England Journal of Medicine Perspectives article on "Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Sur...
Prince Friso - British versus Dutch Law on When It Is Time to Stop Life Support?
Prince Friso (of the Dutch Royal Family) has been in a coma for six months after he was caught in an avalanche while skiing in the Austrian...
Hospital Promises to "Cheat Death"
On Friday, North Carolina's CaroMont Health unveiled a new campaign "T o Give Every Man, Woman and Child In Gaston County Every Op...
POLST Authorizes Unilateral DNAR Orders
In both Maryland and Vermont , a clinician can write a POLST order indicating "no CPR" even without patient or surrogate consent...
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
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Brain Death and Futility - Webinar
MEDCAC to Review Medicare Coverage of CT Scans for...
American Afterlife: Encounters in the Customs of M...
Louisiana to Limit Liberty over Health Care Decisions
Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice
More Visibility and Awareness of VSED & VRFF Optio...
Hospital Patients’ End-of-Life and Care Wishes Now...
Medicare Choices Empowerment and Protection Act (S...
Doing Everything Possible: The Best or Worst Thing...
DHHS Will Pay You $75 to Register Your Advance Dir...
10 Common Questions (and their Answers) on Medical...
7th Annual National Healthcare Decisions Day
International Conference on End of Life: Law, Ethi...
The Changing Legal Climate for Physician Aid in Dying
Very Preterm Baby Beats the Odds and Survives
Honoring Choices Across Cultures: End of Life & Ad...
Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network WRONG to Defend ...
National Healthcare Decisions Day - Minnesota
Health Care Decisions and the "F" Word: Counseling...
Who Calls the Shots? Exploring the Authority of th...
Bentley Family Appeals British Columbia Supreme Co...
Advance Directives & Nursing Home Stays Associated...
New Book on Advance Directives
Administration of UNWANTED End-of-Life Treatment C...
Court of Protection Allows Clinicians to Stop Life...
Defensive Medicine Like Crossing a Mine Field
Never Say Never - Long Odds Sometimes Do Payoff
Minnesota Mini Bioethics Academy 2014
What Will It Take to Revolutionize Informed Consent?
After Court Battle, Hospital Withdraws Life Suppor...
Healthcare Ethics Committees Must Include a Disabi...
Patients Close to 100 Undergoing Risky Surgery
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Brain Death and Futility - Webinar
MEDCAC to Review Medicare Coverage of CT Scans for...
American Afterlife: Encounters in the Customs of M...
Louisiana to Limit Liberty over Health Care Decisions
Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice
More Visibility and Awareness of VSED & VRFF Optio...
Hospital Patients’ End-of-Life and Care Wishes Now...
Medicare Choices Empowerment and Protection Act (S...
Doing Everything Possible: The Best or Worst Thing...
DHHS Will Pay You $75 to Register Your Advance Dir...
10 Common Questions (and their Answers) on Medical...
7th Annual National Healthcare Decisions Day
International Conference on End of Life: Law, Ethi...
The Changing Legal Climate for Physician Aid in Dying
Very Preterm Baby Beats the Odds and Survives
Honoring Choices Across Cultures: End of Life & Ad...
Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network WRONG to Defend ...
National Healthcare Decisions Day - Minnesota
Health Care Decisions and the "F" Word: Counseling...
Who Calls the Shots? Exploring the Authority of th...
Bentley Family Appeals British Columbia Supreme Co...
Advance Directives & Nursing Home Stays Associated...
New Book on Advance Directives
Administration of UNWANTED End-of-Life Treatment C...
Court of Protection Allows Clinicians to Stop Life...
Defensive Medicine Like Crossing a Mine Field
Never Say Never - Long Odds Sometimes Do Payoff
Minnesota Mini Bioethics Academy 2014
What Will It Take to Revolutionize Informed Consent?
After Court Battle, Hospital Withdraws Life Suppor...
Healthcare Ethics Committees Must Include a Disabi...
Patients Close to 100 Undergoing Risky Surgery
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