Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2012

Flockhart v. Basildon Hospital: Yet Another Unilateral DNR Order in England

John Flockhart was admitted to Basildon Hospital on November 26, 2008, with severe pneumonia.  Dr. Riz Mohamed soon issued a “do not resuscitate order” for Mr Flockhart, on the basis that should he go into cardiac arrest, attempts to resuscitate him would be “futile.”  

Despite guidance suggesting it is appropriate to inform the patient, or his family, neither was done. Later that night Mr Flockhart’s condition deteriorated.  When Mr. Flockhart's was then informed about the order, she begged” the hospital to overturn it.  But clinicians did not attempt to resuscitate Mr. Flockhart, and he died. (Thurrock Gazette)    

Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray recorded a narrative verdict and highlighted a series of blunders from the hospital.  (Echo)

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