Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 10, 2012

Mr. L - Clinicians Can Write DNR order over Muslim Family Objections

Several weeks ago, I referred to Mr. L. as a "British Mr. Rasouli."  Similar to the Canadian case, doctors argued it would be unfair to resuscitate Mr L, if his condition worsened.  And Mr. L.'s family said that was against their Muslim faith, which requires that everything to be done to prolong life "until God takes it away."  (BBC)

Today, at the Court of Protection, Mr Justice Moylan said it would be lawful to withhold treatment as it would not prolong life "in any meaningful way."  "It would result in death being characterized by a series of harmful interventions without any realistic prospect of such treatment producing any benefit."

Doctors for the Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust established it was the "overwhelming unanimous medical opinion that it would not be in the patient's best interest to intervene and be resuscitated again."  The medical director said, "We believe he will suffer more pain and sustain further damage to his brain [if resuscitated]." 

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