Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 10, 2012

The Real Truth About Death Panels: Comparative Effectiveness Research and the Health Reform Legislation

Distinguished health law professor Eleanor Kinney has published a speech that she delivered, last year, at Oklahoma City University Law School, titled "The Real Truth About Death Panels: Comparative Effectiveness Research and the Health Reform Legislation."  Here is her abstract:

The current debate over health reform has been intense and highly polarizing. In 2009, it was dominated by a brouhaha over death panels and talk of government rationing and domination of health care. I will begin my remarks by addressing the provisions of the health reform legislation that precipitated the talk of death panels and the like. 

Specifically, I will talk about the comparative effectiveness research initiative, which is at the root of the brouhaha over death panels. Then, I will explore the central question of whether comparative effectiveness research really is a contribution to true health reform and can achieve the critical goal of controlling health care costs.

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