Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2012

India to Allow Passive Euthanasia?

The Law Commission of India has delivered its Report No. 241 to the Government.  In this Report, the Law Commission defends passive euthanasia and proposes authorizing legislation.

The report notes that passive euthanasia "is allowed in many countries [and] shall have legal recognition in our country too subject to certain safeguards."  "A competent adult patient has the right to insist that there should be no invasive medical treatment by way of artificial life sustaining measures /treatment and such decision is binding on the doctors / hospital attending on such patient provided that the doctor is satisfied that the patient has taken an‘informed decision’ based on free exercise of his or her will."

"As regards an incompetent patient . . . the doctor’s or relatives’ decision to withhold or withdraw the medical treatment is not final.  The relatives, next friend, or the doctors concerned / hospital management shall get the clearance from the High Court for withdrawing or withholding the life sustaining treatment. . . .  The High Court shall take a decision after obtaining the opinion of a panel of three medical experts and after ascertaining the wishes of the relatives of the patient."

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