Medical Futility Blog
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Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 3, 2014
Kentucky May Be Next State with POLST Statute
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Last week, the Kentucky House
passed a bill
to enact POLST (called MOST). Now the Senate is considering the bill.
If your state does not yet have a POLST statute (or regulations), check out the brand new
POLST Legislative Guide
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Adelaide Project to Stop Futile Hospital Treatment
Today in the History of End-of-Life Law
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Medical Futility - 350 Slides in 50 Minutes at Yale
Disability Rights Protection . . . for the Dead?
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CALL FOR PAPERS & PRESENTERS Health Care Reform: ...
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Legal Briefing: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Dr...
Sylvia Sodden - Jewish v. Catholic Family Litigate...
Death Panels: Can We Handle the Truth?
Berkin Elvan - Clinicians Deny Stopping Life Support
Conflict Resolution and Bioethics Mediation Traini...
Practically Engaged Bioethics Scholars
Wisconsin Bill to Eliminate Pregnancy Limitation o...
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Hamline Health Law Rises in Rankings Again
Kentucky May Be Next State with POLST Statute
The Journal of Medicine & Philosophy 39(2) has a g...
Lorna Baillie, Mistakenly Declared Dead, Suing for...
New York Criminally Charges Nine for Failing to Co...
"Resurrection" on ABC
37th Annual Health Law Professors Conference
Florida Court DENIES Hospital Request to Override ...
Medical Futility at Yale
Florida Court to Decide Medical Futility Case
History of Shared Decision Making
Farmiloe Campaign against Unilateral DNAR Orders
Intensive Care - Absence of Generally Accepted Hea...
Imposed Death: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia
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