Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 3, 2014

Wisconsin Bill to Eliminate Pregnancy Limitation on Advance Directives

The Marlise Munoz case received such wide and extensive media coverage that it woke up some long dormant and latent dragons.  Specifically, many individuals in other states were surprised to discover that their very own state statutes included precisely the same categorical limitations on advance directives as the Texas Advance Directives Act.

Consequently, it is no surprise that some of these states are now considering the elimination of this limitation.  One of these states is Wisconsin.  This week, legislators introduced A.B. 861.  This bill:

  • Eliminates the prohibition on giving effect to a "declaration" during a woman's pregnancy.

  • Removes the restriction on obtaining a do-not-resuscitate order when the patient is pregnant. 

  • Removes the prohibition on following do-not-resuscitate orders when the patient is pregnant.  

  • Permits a healthcare "agent" to make health care decisions when the individual is pregnant unless the patient designated otherwise.

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