Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 3, 2014

Lorna Baillie, Mistakenly Declared Dead, Suing for £5 Million

Here is yet another case that may further fuel prognostic mistrust when it comes to declaring death.

In February 2012, Lorna Baillie suffered a heart attack

and was taken to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.  Just a few hours later, healthcare workers declared Ms. Baillie dead, and switched off her life-support machines.  

But while paying their last respects in a private room, family members were convinced that they saw signs of life.  They appealed to nursing staff who explained these were after-effects of treatment.  Finally, 45 minutes after she was pronounced dead, clinicians accepted that Ms. Baillie was still breathing and took her back into intensive care and restarted treatment.  

Left brain damaged, Mrs Baillie has had to relearn how to perform basic tasks such as walking and talking. She is likely to need round-the-clock care for the rest of her life.  Her family is seeking a settlement of £5 million.

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