Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 6, 2015

Aid in Dying - Minnesota Public Radio

Join me tomorrow, Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00, on Minnesota Public Radio.  From the producer's notes:

Earlier this month, the California Senate approved a physician-assisted suicide bill, allowing some terminally ill patients to receive help in ending their lives. The bill had been stalled for years, in part because the California Medical Association - a group representing California physicians - had always opposed physician-assisted suicide. But the CMA has changed its position from opposing the practice to taking a neutral stance - the first state medical group to do so. We'll look at how professional and public opinion is shifting on this issue.


  • Thaddeus Pope is a bioethicist and is the director of the Health Law Institute at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota.

  • Dr. Joanne Lynn is the director of the Altarum Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness.

  • Dr. Theodore Mazer is an otolaryngologist and the speaker of the California Medical Association House of Delegates

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