Medical Futility Blog
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Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 6, 2015
Death is a Woman [EOL in Art 39]
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Here is a second from Malczewski's thanatos, depicting death as a young woman.
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Sylvia Sodden - Jewish v. Catholic Family Litigate Life Support in NY
Sylvia Sodden, 78, was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn but converted to Roman Catholicism when she was just 20 years old. I...
Tylenol Can Facilitate Advance Care Planning
Significant amounts of over-treatment in the United States are due to a persistent widespread failure to do advance care planning. Most peo...
Moments of Life: Made Possible by Hospice
In celebrating the 40th anniversary of hospice care in the United States, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is excited ...
Reading Hospital Resolves Futility Dispute by Replacing Guardian
In March 2012, Russell Border was admitted to the ICU at Reading Hospital and Medical Center . As a patient in the ICU, doctors placed Mr. B...
Canadian Medical Association Forums on End-of-Life Care
This Wednesday, the Canadian Medical Association will host its 4th town-hall form on end-of-life care. This broad stakeholder involvement ...
Medical Decision Making for Unbefriended / Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates
Last month, I published a New England Journal of Medicine Perspectives article on "Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Sur...
Prince Friso - British versus Dutch Law on When It Is Time to Stop Life Support?
Prince Friso (of the Dutch Royal Family) has been in a coma for six months after he was caught in an avalanche while skiing in the Austrian...
Hospital Promises to "Cheat Death"
On Friday, North Carolina's CaroMont Health unveiled a new campaign "T o Give Every Man, Woman and Child In Gaston County Every Op...
POLST Authorizes Unilateral DNAR Orders
In both Maryland and Vermont , a clinician can write a POLST order indicating "no CPR" even without patient or surrogate consent...
Kevorkian "Fever" [EOL in Art 112]
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Vanitas [EOL in Art 51]
Estate Planning In the 21st Century: Seismic Shif...
Ethical Issues at the End of Life - CFP
Jahi McMath - Children's Hospital Demurrer
Judge Strikes California Law that Allowed Nursing ...
Relics - Film on Assisted Death [EOL in Art 50]
Support Informing Bioethics Policy
Heartfelt - Photography of Troubled Births [EOL i...
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Hospice [EOL in Art 47]
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Aid in Dying - Minnesota Public Radio
Death Listens [EOL in Art 43]
Atul Gawande in Minnesota (Sept. 18, 2015)
Do Not Look to the Surrogate If the Patient Still ...
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Kathe Kollwitz [EOL in Art 35]
"I Am Dying" - National Geographic
Limits of Medicine [EOL in Art 34]
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Samadhi 4D Death Simulator
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Post-Community - Cemetery as Interactive Monument ...
The Texas Advance Directives Act: Must a Death Pan...
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Được tạo bởi
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medical futility
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Blog Archive
tháng 8
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Vanitas [EOL in Art 51]
Estate Planning In the 21st Century: Seismic Shif...
Ethical Issues at the End of Life - CFP
Jahi McMath - Children's Hospital Demurrer
Judge Strikes California Law that Allowed Nursing ...
Relics - Film on Assisted Death [EOL in Art 50]
Support Informing Bioethics Policy
Heartfelt - Photography of Troubled Births [EOL i...
Art of Hospice [EOL in Art 48]
Hospice [EOL in Art 47]
No Immunity for Providers Who Treated Patient Cont...
Pluralism, Futility, and Thresholds for Treatment ...
Hospice Stamp [EOL in Art 46]
SNF Fined $400,000 for Blindly Following the Surro...
Aid in Dying - Minnesota
Process of Dying in 6 Paintings [EOL in Art 45]
Jahi McMath Malpractice Lawsuit - June 2015 Update
Time and Death [EOL in Art 44]
Aid in Dying - Minnesota Public Radio
Death Listens [EOL in Art 43]
Atul Gawande in Minnesota (Sept. 18, 2015)
Do Not Look to the Surrogate If the Patient Still ...
Letter Remained Unfinished [EOL in Art 42]
Ontario Medical Board Cautions Physicians for Writ...
ASBH Annual Meeting (October 2015)
Hospital Sanctioned for Patients Lacking POLST
Fin - by Kotarbinski [EOL in Art 41]
Savulescu on Rationing in the NICU
Cleaning Corpses during an Epidemic [EOL in Art 40]
Critically Impaired Infants and End of Life Decisi...
Death is a Woman [EOL in Art 39]
Klugman on Bentley and VSED
VSED - Is It Neglect?
Alan Watts - Acceptance of Death [EOL in Art 38]
Funeral of Firstborn [EOL in Art 37]
In the Presence of a Spoon - VSED & Margot Bentley
Youth in Oregon (film)
Death the Friend [EOL in Art 36]
Kathe Kollwitz [EOL in Art 35]
"I Am Dying" - National Geographic
Limits of Medicine [EOL in Art 34]
Calculate Your Risk of Dying in the Next 5 Years
Baby Boomers for Balanced Health Care - Goldilocks...
Samadhi 4D Death Simulator
More Doctors Going to Jail for Gross Negligence
POLST or Advance Directive [EOL in Art 33]
New Jersey Again Worst in ICU Use at End of Life
Palliative Care Is the Path Alongside the River of...
Sky Light - A Cemetery that Glows [EOL in Art 32]
Wild Variations in Hospice Use across USA
Modern Tomb [EOL in Art 31]
New Award Recognizing Health Law-Related Service t...
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice - Open Meeting...
Forged Advance Directive Murder Case Going to Trial
Science and Charity [EOL in Art 30]
Future of Informed Consent
Goya and Dr. Arrias [EOL in Art 29]
VSED - Unconscious People Don't Want Tea
Post-Community - Cemetery as Interactive Monument ...
The Texas Advance Directives Act: Must a Death Pan...
The Good Man, Death, and the Doctor [EOL in Art 27]
Funeral Chapel with Breeze [EOL in Art 26]
Death in the City [EOL in Art 25]
palliAGED App
Reflected Legacy [EOL in Art 24]
ECMO as a Bridge to Nowhere
Physicians & Professional Devotion [EOL in Art 23]
Brain Death Conference at MCW
Nobody Wants to Die in a Hospital [EOL in Art 22]
Texas Advance Directives Act - 2015 Amendments Ena...
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